02 - Why vision is better than motivation
Motivation fades but vision propels us forward
Have you ever wondered why you don’t feel motivated to do what it takes for your goal, even when you know you want the result? Without a vision, a goal is like a boat without an engine - so much more effort to get where you want to go. In this article you will learn why a vision is important and the 2 key questions you need to find yours.We will be talking about what goals but you can apply it to any goal you have.
When I was diagnosed with non alcoholic fatty liver disease, I briefly had a vision of the direction I was heading in and what this meant to me as a new mum - and I didn’t like what I saw. I immediately chose a new vision - me, really healthy and making great choices for my body.
There were 2 key pieces to this vision.
Know what you want exactly.
Being an unhealthy mum wasn’t what I wanted for the experience of finally having my miracle daughter. I wanted to be as healthy as I could be and stick around for a long time to be there for my daughter. I told my doctor in response to his diagnosis, “In a year’s time I will be the healthiest person here”.
Describe what you want as if you could see it play out on a movie. I knew the number I wanted to see on the scales, the way I wanted to eat and live and I wanted to see my doctor give me a clean bill of health.
There needs to be a strong why.
The key wasn’t just in wanting to be healthy. There needs to be a strong why - for me, I wanted to stick around for my daughter. I had a glimpse of how precious life is, and I wanted to be there for it as best as I can.
Why this vision is important
Here’s why it’s important to see exactly what you want to achieve and why you want it: Your goal probably won’t happen in the hours or days of your first burst of inspiration and motivation. Before too long there will be bumps in the road and it will be all to easy to give up.
But if your vision of what you want and why you want it is compelling, it will get you past the obstacles and back on your feet when you stumble.
So, o stay the course, have a commanding vision of exactly what it looks like to have your goal, and why it’s so important. If you, like me, have a weight goal then ask yourself what health metrics matter? What do you want to weigh? What will that look like? And know your why.
For extra support to create your vision, check out my fun and easy workshop on Udemy: Create a vision board that truly inspires you. And have a wonderful time creating YOUR inspiring vision.