04 - No time to manage your health and weight?
Have you ever sat down and crafted the perfect weight loss regime for yourself? I have – complete with my exercise plan, an exotic organic shopping list, all the amazing meals and green juices and smoothies and body brushing and mindset work…. And then never got started because I couldn’t fit ANY of it in. But here’s the deal – the idea that we don’t have time for weight loss a story that doesn’t have to be true for you. Here’s 3 ways to shift from, “don’t have time for weight loss” to, “taking action for weight loss”.
Challenge the idea
Challenge the idea that you have to spend more time to get weight loss results
If there’s one expression that gets circled around the internet all the time that I can’t stand, it’s “we all have the same 24 hours in a day”. This is such blame culture, and no, those 24 hours are not the same for some heiress who can delegate all her tasks to staff to a single mother juggling work, study and bringing up her children. Not. The. Same. And being told that we should be able to squeeze in more keeps us stuck when we just can’t fit another priority in.
But here’s the thing – we assume that we have to do more and spend more time. Let’s shift what we’re telling ourselves from “I don’t have time to manage my weight” to “how can I add weight loss strategies that take no extra time into my day?” We now shift from stuck mode to solution-focused mode. See what comes up for you, and if needed start with the ideas following.
2. Make a swap
Swap a habit you can give up for a better, more constructive habit in the same or less time. Reaching for a carrot or cucumber to snack on takes no longer than reaching for a biscuit. Marching on the spot while you watch TV takes no longer than sitting on the couch to watch the same program. Dancing with your kid when they want to play with you takes no longer than sitting on the floor with the toys. What can you come up with in your life that can be swapped?
3. Drop something
Instead of adding more things you think you need, consider dropping something that is holding you back. It takes no time to not snack, not eat after dinner, not go down the chip aisle at the supermarket, or not prepare dessert.
And one last thing…
How do these ideas land for you? If you’re considering these ideas and feeling like a weight just dropped off your shoulders, then wonderful! Try out the strategies and let me know how they go for you.
But if you feel more constricted and resistant and have a whole slew of “yes, but…” thoughts coming up – then it could be that the thing holding you back is not just time, but also an obstacle in your mindset. So here’s my bonus strategy for you:
4. Do a brain dump
Do a brain dump of ALL the endings that come to mind for the following sentence: “I can’t begin a weight loss program because…” and see what comes up. The key is to challenge the ideas so that these thoughts can’t stop you.
Want support with this?
If you’re a woman who would like extra support managing your mindset and thoughts around weight loss to stop them from derailing your efforts, then send me an email at kath@kathleenrobb.com letting me know where you struggle and we can chat about how my work can best support you.